Discover common queries regarding The Spirit Board.

Discover common queries regarding The Spirit Board.

 "Ouija" is a trademark for the Parker Brothers' William Fuld Talking Board Set.

What is a Talking Board (Spirit Board)?

A talking board is a generic name for a message board featuring numbers, letters, and a movable indicator. This indicator, gently touched by the users, moves across the board and spells out words, leading to the term "talking board." There is disagreement over whether the messages come from otherworldly sources or represent an internal psychological phenomenon. Non-talking boards, such as those featuring pendulums, fixed spinners, or rolling balls, do not qualify as talking boards, though they may produce similar results. These boards may also be referred to as Ouija boards, witch boards, spirit boards, oracle boards, and channelling boards.

How to use the Spirit Board?

Prior to beginning, create an atmosphere conducive to communication by dimming the lights, lighting candles and incense, and burning sage. Eliminate any potential sources of disruption, such as loud music, TV sound, or children's play. Concentration is essential for a successful séance; for this reason, switch off phones and email notifications. Interrupting the process with a call or notification disrupts progress and ambiance.

"Ask your question"

The spirit is the response originator, not the planchette, hence any delay in answers will have no relation to the planchette. Some spirits can move the planchette relatively quicker than others.

Beware of unintended consequences.

What is the etymology of the term "Ouija board"?

Manufacturers of talking boards began incorporating depictions of witches on their designs in the early 1900s, capitalizing on the Ouija's notoriety for being used to conjure spirits and foretell the future. These boards were called "Swami boards," paying homage to the Swami imagery.

When was the first Ouija board invented?

The first "Ouija" board appeared in 1890, yet its predecessors, talking boards (alphanumeric tables equipped with cursors), first appeared in the 1850s. Fewer examples of talking boards existed prior to this.

Why have Ouija boards been prohibited in England?

No nation has prohibited Ouija boards; the assertion continues to be unfounded. We have not been apprised of any jurisdiction which has officially prohibited the boards. If you have knowledge of such a law, do inform us. To corroborate, kindly supply the controverting ordinance or regulation.

What proportion of talking boards exist in total?

Estimates suggest thousands, though the exact amount is unknown. 

Can one trust the messages yielded from a Ouija board?

Only if you do not consider the spirits to be trustworthy. To be prudent, skepticism may be advised at times.

What does the inscription "GOOD BYE" signify on the board?

When the planchette reads GOOD BYE, you must end your session, as the contact has disconnected.

What are the religious implications?

Catholic Answers, a Roman Catholic Christian apologetics org., says the Ouija board is "a form of divination" & Micronesian Catholic bishops have sought to ban it, calling it a demonic practice. The Dutch Reformed Church & Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod have both warned against its use as it breaks the Ten Commandments.

In 2001, fundamentalist groups in Alamogordo, New Mexico, burned Ouija boards and Harry Potter books as "examples of witchcraft." Human Life International said that Ouija boards could be a gateway to converse with spirits and called for Hasbro to discontinue their sale. Additionally, religious criticism has been voiced, alleging the Ouija board discloses knowledge meant only for God and is thus an instrument of Satan.

What is the Safety of Ouija Boards?

Every year, particularly during Samhain, queries about divination abound, including a common one about the Ouija board and whether it's risk-free. Generally, a Ouija Board is a divinatory device meant to elicit answers to questions from spiritual beings with no assurance of success. Many, though, consider it no more perilous than other forms of divination, such as a pendulum, Tarot cards, or the Magic 8-Ball.

It's important to note that "possession" doesn't have to be negative, though it often carries negative connotations. To use the Ouija board, one must relinquish control and act as a medium, enabling the spirit to communicate via the planchette. Though the spirit is not moving the planchette, it is causing the user to do so through possession. Randomly using the board involves a risk, as one is uncertain of the identity or intention of the entity trying to make contact.

So which is it? Divination, voluntary possession, or something else? It is difficult to pinpoint a definitive answer to this metaphysical puzzle. If engaging a Ouija board to gain an understanding of what the experience holds, here are a few guidelines on how to navigate it securely.

  • Before beginning, it is advisable to purify the environment and optionally to mark a circle for protection.
  • Many traditional customs involving Ouija boards include throwing salt to ward off the Devil, even though such associations are not typically connected to this form of folk magic; however, the practice remains engrained among many people.
  • Perform a ritual to purify the board and surrounding area. Petition the house guardians to provide protection against any malevolent entities.
  • Constrain invocation to particular entities or individuals; don't indiscriminately welcome any supernatural force.
  • Perform a fast grounding and shielding if concerned that defence is necessary.
  • Invoke the deity of your choice to ensure security while utilizing the Ouija board.
  • Many traditions lack regulations concerning Ouija, as, to many, it is merely divination, and those unsure of how to manage what they are summoning should refrain from experiencing it.

For the uninitiated or inexperienced, it is recommended to seek out alternative forms of divination.

Have you heard of a game called "Ask the Glass?"

Ask the Glass is a form of improvised Ouija board, consisting of alphabetic cards or Scrabble tiles arranged in a circle. In the middle of this circle rests a wineglass which functions as an indicator to signal messages. Popularly known as "The Spirit of the Glass," this makeshift game is often an individual's initial experience with the Ouija board.

Click the link to view our Spirit boards available in the shop.

Kind Regards
The Gothic2Valhalla team

We do not condone the use of Spirit boards, Tarot cards, Crystals and Crystal balls, to be misused or used in a such away other than entertainment purposes only. We do not offer any substitute for professional advice, and any information given is general information and educational purpose only. We do encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals for the use of Spirit boards, Tarot cards, Crystals and Crystal Balls. We take no responsibility or accept liability actions, for the misuse of these products.


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